Friday, 5 September 2008

To Noah

Well, now that the long wet summer is over, we, at the studio are preparing ourselves for a productive winter. At the moment the studio feels like Noah's Ark, a haven from the rain. My dog Keltie looks positively miserable and has refused to get out of her basket, I have to temp her with bits of chicken to get her to move and even though I have bought her a lovely doggie raincoat, she isn't interested. The canal boaters are putting a brave face on things, they chug past, smiling and waving, while the rain drips off of their noses. Keltie could learn a lesson from them about being British and stoical. You can't let it get to you....have to have fun no matter what the weather is doing.

Enough of all things wet!! and now for some more interesting ideas. Hearts, yes that universal much loved symbol. I have always collected heart shaped objects, stones, bits of wood, even painted wooden hearts made heart shaped cakes you name it, I love the shape. On Monday I was preparing dinner, cottage pie in fact, and I was peeling the potatoes for the topping , when I pulled a heart shaped potato out of the bag. A little bit of joy, made my day, I took it that nature was sending a sign!!

Now its off to Kelties basket to wake her and tell her that no matter the weather we are going for that walk......anyone got any chicken??

1 comment:

The Bunny Maker said...

I've blog rolled you! now you have to do the same for me or i'll send out the Butt-slap Elves!!

Heart stones

Heart stones

Heart shaped potato

Heart shaped potato


The inside of our studio